Koppu by Soichiro Maruta

This is “Koppu” made by Soichiro Maruta. I purchased two at exhibition titled “Koppu.” Koppu usually means a glass tumbler but at this exhibition ceramics shaped like tumbler ware lined up together with them. Maruta’s this cup would usually be called “Yunomi (a sup for green tea) ” but this cylinder shape is simple and well designed to go well with western style table wares which a lot of times accompanied by glasses. A friend of mine served me cold water in this cup as if it were a glass cup, and the view was so nice that I imitated her and got the same one. It was the first time for me to taste the coolness of water with ice floating on celadon in the hot and humid midsummer. This is a good example of a vessel that, thanks to the suggestion of a different name, has loosened the stereotypes of its use and expanded its usage. It is also suitable for fragrant tea in the sense that the aroma trapped in the cylindrical shape rises straight up. For example, fukugi-cha (black tea).

Artist: Soichiro Maruta
Year: 2021
Place of purchase: lapinart




With Fukugicha, a thicker tea. I like to match the cups with a kataguchi (by Taro Tabuchi) and small plates (by Ikumi Matsumoto), also made of porcelain.

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