Glass container by Taku Eiki

This is a glassware in the shape of a Dora-Bachi by Taku Nagaki. The deep, petri dish like shape with straight lines rising from the bottom, and the uniform edge construction give it a well-proportioned beauty, as if it were a machine-made product. In reality, however, it is a hand-blown glass piece by an individual artist, which is quite a feat of skill. In Japan, there is a distinction between Japanese and Western tableware, but what I envision when I think of “product-like design” is a shape without such distinction. For the convenience of mass production, it is not easy to create complicated curves or unevenness, so the shapes are often well-proportioned and clean. The straight lines Eiki creates are different. He adjusts the shape so that it looks straight but opens slightly outward. It is wonderful to see how he forms them with a split-second decision while blowing hot glass. This vessel, a limited edition for his solo exhibition in the summer of 2022, has a slight greenish tint to it that is almost imperceptible. When you use it, you can see the difference. It gives a lighter impression than clear glass. The diameter fits perfectly with the plastic lids and wood plate I have, and it is also good for storing reserve vegetables (Babachan’s cucumbers are shown in the photo). Such size setting is also a part of the wonderful talent of individual artists.

Artist: Taku Eiki
Year of purchase: 2022
Place of purchase: Chidori Utsuwa Gallery




It is extremely helpful that all three types of lids fit perfectly.

The faint green color is recognizable under the lighting.

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