Old set of “Hidehira” bowl

This is an old set of ”Hidehira” bowl. It consists of three bowls with the same decoration, one of which works as a lid. Hidehira bowls are maki-e lacquerware from the southern Tohoku region, especially around Hiraizumi in Iwate Prefecture, and are characterized by a combination of clouds called Genji-un, diamond shapes in gold leaf, and patterns of chrysanthemums, pine trees, and cranes, depending on the region. I read somewhere that the older ones were three-layered and became four-layered as time went by. This one is probably from the late Edo period.I don’t often get involved in antiques (because if I did, I would go bankrupt), but I was interested in this item because it was displayed at an antique event by Manabu Suzuki of the bookstore “Shoshi Gyakko”. Mr. Suzuki’s selection of lacquerware is particularly stylish. I had learned at his store that elaborate maki-e lacquer bowls are often beautifully preserved because they were used by the upper class, and they are also attractive because of the softness added by age. This is also matte in black, vermilion-red, and gold, and feels as if it is absorbent to the fingertips.
It is good to have them on a New Year’s table with a lot of porcelain. It softens the formal atmosphere of the table a little.

Artist: unknown
Year: 18th century(?)
Place of purchase: Antique Shoshi Gyakko


これは古い秀衡(ひでひら)椀。同じ装飾の椀が三つ、組みになっていて1枚はフタにもなる。秀衡椀とは、東北南部とくに岩手県の平泉周辺に伝わる蒔絵漆器で、源氏雲とよばれる雲と金箔の菱形の文様と、地域により菊・松・鶴などを組み合わせた絵柄が特徴。古いものは三つ重ねで時代が下がるにつれて四つ重ねになると何かで読んだ。これはたぶん江戸時代後期のもの。とある骨董イベントで「書肆 逆光」の鈴木学さんが出していたので気になった。鈴木さんは、漆器のセレクトがとくに洒落ているからだ。手の込んだ蒔絵漆椀は、上流階級の人が使ったからか綺麗なまま残っている上に、経年による柔らかさが加わり魅力的なことが多いとは彼の店で知ったことだった。この椀も、年月を経てこそ宿ったであろうコックリとしたツヤと絵柄のカスレが相まって、いい佇まい。うつわが持つツヤ感には、時代ごとのトレンドがあると思うけれど、150年近い時を刻んだ素材から醸し出されるツヤは、とても落ち着いていて、愛用している現代のマットな質感の陶器や無垢の木家具にこそとても合う。そういうものを求めての骨董市通いが楽しい。

購入場所:骨董イベントの「書肆 逆光」のブースにて。

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