Cup by Makiko Suzuki

This is a cup of Makiko Suzuki’s Turkish series. It fits a mini can of beer (135 ml) right up to the rim, a Cinderella fit, and is a great choice when you want to cook dinner over a drink. The white foam and turquoise blue color together make a refreshing sight on the kitchen counter, allowing me to cook in a good mood. The temperature of a chilled beverage can be moderately transferred to my fingertips, which I think is only possible with thinly shaped ceramic like this. It feels cooler than a glass cup.

Maker: Makiko Suzuki
Year of purchase: Around 2010
Place of purchase:A gallery in Ebisu



A smaller cup beer is just right for premaring-dinner-time.

UTSUWA dictionary #29 | うつわディクショナリー#29 幸せを運ぶ鈴木麻起子さんのうつわたち

Suzuki’s turquoise blue is bright and cool to the eye, not only on the beer cups, but also on the plates, a perfect summer combination when combined with ananote and color painting.

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