book review 6

Anthology Shokki (Vessels) /The best essay of Japan vol. 71 1997 Sakuhinsha

An anthology of essays on the theme of “tableware” by 37 Japanese authors.They include Muneyoshi Yanagi, Kaichi Tsuji, Aya Koda, Tomiko Miyao, Sadako Sawamura, Masako Shirasu, Minoru Betsuyaku, Nanami Shiono, Atsuko Suga, Yoshiko Ishii, Ayumi Ohashi, Tetsuko Kuroyanagi etc. In a text by Aito Ota (pastor and essayist), he states that people’s deep attachment to tableware come from the fact that it is made of clay. He goes on to say that although clay tableware is fragile and easily broken, there are some tableware that do not make us aware of such weakness, which is also true of human beings, and in that sense, tableware is the most human tool of all. I often wonder why I like utsuwa so much, but it makes sense when I hear that it is because it is a human tool. To me, utsuwa may be more than just a tool. I came to think of Tomoo Shoken, the owner of a gallery “Utsuwa Shoken” has been saying the same thing.

“Humans have long used fragile earthenware and have not replaced them even when stronger materials have appeared one after another, perhaps because they know the dignity of tableware more than they know the meaning of fragility.”


『食器|日本の名随筆 別巻71』1997 作品社




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